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Find your  PATH­WAY to suc­cess!

Lee Col­lege is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing stu­dents with a clear path­way to suc­cess in the clas­sroom and be­yond.

Our Pat­hways offer a varie­ty of con­nec­tions from edu­ca­tion to career. Many pathw­ays lead to com­ple­tion of cer­tifi­cates and as­soci­ate de­grees for im­medi­ate employ­ment. Other fields re­quire fur­ther educa­tion and lead to trans­fer. Browse the op­tions be­low for more in­forma­tion about careers and cour­ses. Then talk to an ad­visor to cus­tom­ize your ed­uca­tion­al plan.

Pathway plans provide logical course sequences to help students build knowledge, skills, and abilities as they move toward a certification, a degree, or transfer. Lee College divides the courses in Pathways plans into three categories: Foundations, Knowledge Building, and Completion.

Foundations includes introductory courses where students gain a basic understanding of the subject matter. These courses lay the groundwork for further study and focus on essential concepts, theories, and skills. Students gain a broad overview of the field and develop the necessary foundation to progress to more advanced levels.

Knowledge building includes courses that build upon foundational knowledge. These courses delve deeper expand the student's knowledge in the area of study, and increase the student's preparation for advanced learning.

Completion includes courses that lead to certificate or degree completion and prepare students to enter the workforce or transfer to a baccalaureate program. Many of these courses are highly specialized and focus on advanced topics, research, and practical applications within the field. Students engage in independent projects, capstone experiences, and intensive study to demonstrate mastery of the subject matter.

Not sure where to begin? Try the MyNextMove Interest Profiler.

Can't find the career or transfer school you are looking for? You are not limited to this list of pathways. Lee College advisors can help you plan for any career field or transfer school.

Multidisciplinary Core Curriculum Options (PDF)
Other pathway-specific options are found on the respective pathway pages.

Applied Business icon  Applied Business Pathway

Your Pathway to Success Starts Here!

(High School Endorsement Area: Business & Industry) | High School Endorsement to Pathways - Business & Industry (PDF)

Health Services icon  Health Services Pathway

Your Pathway to Success Starts Here!

(High School Endorsement Area: Public Service)

Liberal & Fine Arts icon  Liberal and Fine Arts Pathway

Your Pathway to Success Starts Here!

(High School Endorsement Area: Arts & Humanities, & Multidisciplinary) | High School Endorsement to Pathways - Arts & Humanities (PDF) | High School Endorsement to Pathways - Multidisciplinary (PDF)

Manufacturing & Industrial icon  Manufacturing & Industrial Pathway

Your Path to Success Starts Here

(High School Endorsement Area: Business & Industry) | High School Endorsement to Pathways - Business & Industry (PDF)

Public Service icon  Public Service Pathway

Your Pathway to Success Starts Here!

(High School Endorsement Area: Public Service) | Public Service Core Curriculum Options (PDF)

STEM icon  Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Pathway

Your Pathway to Success Starts Here!

(High School Endorsement Area: STEM) | High School Endorsement to Pathways - STEM (PDF)