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Geolo­gy is the study of Earth, par­ticular­ly the pro­cesses that have shaped our world and con­tinue to do so.

An AS in Geo­logy can pro­vide a pat­hway to bach­elor's de­grees in other geo­sci­ences, such as atmos­pheric sci­ences/meteoro­logy, environ­mental engineer­ing, and inter­disciplin­ary fields such as cli­mate sci­ence, and Earth sys­tem sci­ence.

What Will I Learn?

Students will gain a solid foundation in the understanding of processes operating in Earth's interior and on its surface, how Earth has changed throughout its long history and continues to change as a result of natural and human causes, and how rocks, fossils, and Earth surface features provide information needed to gain insight into the distant past of our world. An associate of science in geology from Lee College is a great first step toward a bachelor of science in geology and numerous related fields.

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"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Degrees and Certificates
Geology Nonspecific Transfer Plan