Pipefitting Technology

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Lee College pipe­fitting program is based on the stan­dard­ized craft curricu­lum developed by The National Center of Construc­tion Educa­tion and Re­search. This system maintains a national record of each student's educa­tional achiev­ements allowing potential employers to quickly verify an appli­cant's qual­ifica­tions.

The Pipe­fitting Program at Lee College places special emphasis on hands-on train­ing using our three large and comp­letely equipped labs. Blue­print reading and iso­metric sketching are given special atten­tion as re­quested by local indus­tries. Thread­ing pipe, socket-weld, and butt-weld pipe fabri­cation skills and the mathe­matics needed to layout and build these pro­jects are thorough­ly covered.

What Will I Learn?

The Pipefitting Program at Lee College places special emphasis on hands-on training using our three large and completely equipped labs. Blueprint reading and isometric sketching are given special attention as requested by local industries. Threading pipe, socket-weld, and butt-weld pipe fabrication skills and the mathematics needed to layout and build these projects are thoroughly covered.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Pipefitting Technology
PF1: Certificate of Completion — Pipefitter
PH1: Certificate of Completion — Pipefitter