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Cyber­secur­ity at Lee College is the stu­dy of safe­ty pre­cau­tions used to pre­vent crime that in­volves the inter­net, es­pecial­ly un­author­ized ac­cess to com­puter sys­tems and data con­nect­ed to the inter­net such as theft, disrup­tion, mis­direc­tion, or de­struc­tion.

Ac­cord­ing to the United States Bur­eau of Labor Sta­tistics, infor­mation se­curity an­alyst jobs are pro­jected to grow 31 per­cent by 2030 — much faster than the average for all occu­pa­tions. In May 2020, during the peak of the CO­VID-19 pan­demic, the me­dian an­nual wage for this posi­tion was more than $103,000.

In­dus­tries that em­ploy infor­ma­tion se­curity analysts inc­lude fin­ance and insur­ance, com­puter sys­tems de­sign, as well as admin­istra­tive and sup­port ser­vices.

What Will I Learn?

Students who want to pursue an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree or certificate in cybersecurity will learn about networking, computer maintenance, digital forensics, information security, and cyber-psychology in the face of emerging technology, as well as other information technology fundamentals.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Cybersecurity AAS Degree Plan
Cybersecurity Certificate Plan — CISS1