General Business Transfer

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The study of general busi­ness involves learning about all aspects of over­see­ing and manag­ing a busi­ness in the pub­lic and pri­vate sectors. The Gen­eral Busi­ness Trans­fer Path­way aligns to the first two years of a bach­elor's de­gree in many busi­ness related fields, in­clud­ing accounting, entre­pre­neur­ship, fi­nance, gen­eral busi­ness, health­care admin­istra­tion, inter­na­tional busi­ness, manage­ment, manage­ment in­forma­tion sys­tems, market­ing, and sup­ply chain manage­ment.

Students should work with their advisors to tailor course selections to align with the chosen transfer university. The transfer plans on this page show tailored examples for universities commonly chosen by Lee College students. However, students may choose to continue their education at any university.

What Will I Learn?

Students learn basic skills to manage businesses, including processes, systems, standards, and technology. These skills may be used to acquire entry-level jobs in a broad range of fields and prepare students to continue to bachelor degree programs.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Transfer to Business/Marketing B.S. at UHCL
Transfer BBA - General Business at SHSU
Transfer – BBA – Business Administration University of Houston