Child Development

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Child dev­elo­pment re­fers to the pro­cess through which human be­ings typ­ical­ly grow and mature from infan­cy through adult­hood. The dif­ferent as­pects of growth and develop­ment that are meas­ured in­clude physi­cal growth, cogni­tive growth, and so­cial growth. Child develop­ment focus­es on the chang­es that take place in hu­mans as they ma­ture from birth to about age 17.

What Will I Learn?

Students will be prepared for entry-level positions working with young children and their families. A developmental approach is emphasized, which promotes optimal physical, cognitive, social and emotional growth of children.

Students gain practical knowledge and skills necessary for effective communication, teaching, guidance and motivation of young children as well as for interacting with parents.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Child Development
AAS: Child Development — Transfer Plan, UHCL
EDCDA1: Certificate of Completion — Child Development Administrator
EDCDC1: Certificate of Completion — Child Development Curriculum Specialist
EDCDM1: Certificate of Completion — Child Development Associate Training Marketable Skills