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Kin­esi­olo­gy is the art and sci­ence of hu­man move­ment.

A kin­esi­ol­ogy de­gree pre­pares stud­ents for a car­eer in well­ness across the life­span, with an empha­sis on the pre­ven­tion of ill­ness, and the pro­mo­tion and main­ten­ance of opti­mal health and fit­ness. The de­gree is de­signed for stu­dents inter­ested in help­ing others with the de­vel­op­ment of mo­tor skills, act­ive life­styles, fit­ness ad­vice, nu­tri­tion coun­sel­ing, stress re­duc­tion, and be­ha­vior mod­ifica­tion to sup­port a healthy and well person.

Stu­dents should work with their ad­vi­sors to tai­lor course selec­tions to align with their cho­sen trans­fer uni­ver­sity. The trans­fer plans on this page show a tail­ored ex­ample for a uni­ver­sity com­monly chosen by Lee College stu­dents. However, stu­dents may choose to con­tinue their edu­ca­tion at any uni­ver­sity.

What Will I Learn?

Begin your academic journey with us in our close-knit classrooms. Our professors give you expert instruction and training to help you pursue a career in sports, athletic training, and other health-related fields.

Some of the classes you will take:
  • KINE 1304 Personal Health
  • KINE 1306 First Aid
  • KINE 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology
  • KINE 1164 Introduction to Physical Fitness and Wellness
  • KINE 1143 Walking/Jogging
  • KINE 1127 Yoga
  • KINE 1123 Weight Training
  • KINE 1121 Water Aerobics
  • KINE 1115 Swimming

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"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Kinesiology Texas State Transfer Plan
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