Industrial Welding Technology

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Program Brochure (PDF)

Welders use hand-weld­ing or flame-cut­ting equip­ment to weld or join metal com­ponents or to fill holes, indenta­tions, or seams of fabri­cated metal products. The pro­cess of weld­ing uses either electri­city or vari­ous gasses to create high tempera­tures that bond metals.

Welders may also be re­quired to flame cut or cold cut metal based on blue­prints and/or iso­metric draw­ings to con­struct new pipe or struc­tural steel systems for process systems and unit infra­structure com­ponents. Flame cutting may also be required for equip­ment demo prior to new construc­tion of new equip­ment.

The skill level varies between dif­ferent types of weld­ing depend­ing on the metal­lurgy and pro­cess re­quired to com­plete a reli­able weld.

What Will I Learn?

The welding technology program teaches both the theoretical and practical principles of the profession, develops proficiency in technical skills, and provides opportunities for the application of both theoretical and practical knowledge. Upon completion of the program, you will be able to:

  • Safely and efficiently utilize cutting and welding equipment that complies with accepted industry standards
  • Read/interpret mechanical drawings and apply communicated information to build fabricated assemblies that comply with industry standards
  • Demonstrate acquired skills and a knowledge base that meets or exceeds established industry benchmarks
  • Prepare various types of weld joints per industry standards, using appropriate welding and cutting processes and procedures
  • Perform various types of welds on industry-standard joint types in all positions, using appropriate welding and cutting processes and procedures
  • Evaluate quality control standards and practices applied in welding inspection in the welding industry
  • Analyze technical documentation to make informed decisions in welding processes
  • Apply mathematical and logical reasoning to the welding and fabrication processes
  • Analyze the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of materials to perform welding and fabrication procedures

 View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Industrial Welding Technology
WE1: Certificate of Completion — Welding Technology
WH1: Certificate of Completion — Welding Helper
WI1: Certificate of Completion — Welding Inspection