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The Music Field of Study is struc­tured to meet the needs of stu­dents who will pur­sue a bac­ca­lau­re­ate de­gree in music.

Mu­sic cours­es in this cur­ricu­lum plan are trans­fer­able to pub­lic Tex­as four-year col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties. The Asso­ciate of Arts degree core require­ment will not be com­pleted in order to accom­modate the field of study cur­ricu­lum. Trans­fer of credit in en­semble, ap­plied study, and theo­ry/aural skills shall be on a course-for-course basis.

The Field of Study Cur­riculum for music shall con­sist of 31 lower-divi­sion semes­ter credit hours that are fully ap­plic­able to a bach­elor's de­gree with a major in music. The en­tire block of cour­ses shall be ap­plied to a bach­elor's de­gree with a major in mu­sic or on a course-by-course basis.

Students are required to:
  • Enroll in either Piano class or Applied Piano until exit pro­ficien­cy require­ments are met.
  • Attend the perfor­mance/lec­ture semi­nar.
  • Attend a speci­fied number of ap­proved con­certs each semes­ter.

Many careers require education beyond the associate degree. Students should work with their advisor to tailor course selections to align with their chosen transfer university. The transfer plan on this page shows an example commonly chosen by Lee College students. Students may choose to continue their education at any university.

What Will I Learn?

The Field of Study Curriculum for Music is the set of lower-division courses that must be applied to the bachelor's degree with a major in Music. The Field of Study Curriculum is followed to maximize the transfer curriculum in music.

The Music Program offers fully transferable courses for music majors and non-majors including:

  • Music Theory
  • Sight-Singing and Ear Training
  • Ensembles — Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Chamber Ensemble and Orchestra
  • Music Literature

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Music Field of Study Plan