Naloxone Opioid Overdose Kits

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Lee College installed opioid overdose kits across campus. The kits provide Naloxone, also known as Narcan, a lifesaving medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. The kits were donated by the Southeast Harris County Community Coalition and Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol (BACODA).

Instructions are included in the kits.  However, employees and students are encouraged to view the following educational videos to learn how and when to administer the Naloxone Nasal Spray.

The kits are strategically placed across campus next to all Automated External Defibrillator (AED) cabinets. The are clearly identified with the Narcan decal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if someone is overdosing on an opioid?

Common signs are respiratory failure, slow breathing, small pupils, unresponsiveness, or blue skin from poor circulation.

If I suspect a person is a victim of opioid overdose, what should I do?

Call 911. Begin CPR or rescue breathing if the person is not breathing but has a pulse. Administer nasal Naloxone (Narcan): one or two doses, if needed.

Naloxone can rapidly reverse the overdose effects and restore normal breathing. However, Naloxone is effective for only 30-60 minutes. So, emergency care is still important to ensure that the victim of an overdose does not revert to an overdose state.

Administering Naloxone to a person who may be suffering from alcohol poisoning or sedative overdose will do no harm, but it will also not help. Calling 911 to request emergency services is critical.

Will it hurt someone to give Naloxone if that person hasn't used an opioid?

No. Naloxone is harmless if given to someone who doesn't need it.

Can anyone administer Naloxone?

Yes. In-person training is not required. Instructions are provided on this website, as well as inside each kit.

Protection for Those Rendering Aid

Texas law protects a person who in good faith is trying to render aid to someone who may be suffering from an opioid overdose. Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 483.106, regarding administration of an opioid antagonist states "A person who, acting in good faith and with reasonable care, administers or does not administer an opioid antagonist to another person whom the person believes is suffering an opioid-related drug overdose is not subject to criminal prosecution, sanction under any professional licensing statute, or civil liability, for an act or omission resulting from the administration of or failure to administer the opioid antagonist."

Additional Resources
