Report an Emergency

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Reporting an Emergency

Call Lee College Campus Security and/or 911 for crime-related emergencies threatening the Lee College community.

1. Lee College Campus Security:

  • Main Campus - 281.425.6888 (extension 6888) or pick up any red phone in the building hallways or push the button on the red emergency call pole phones in the parking lots, and it will automatically call Security.
  • McNair Center - 281.425.4007
  • Liberty Center - 832.556.5781

2. Huntsville Center – call 911

3. Education Opportunity Center – call 911

When to call Security and/or 911 for crime-related emergencies include:

  • If you see someone with a weapon
  • If you see someone being hurt (e.g., assault, fight)
  • If you see a crime in progress (e.g., robbery, burglary)
  • If you see a suspicious circumstance that may indicate a criminal activity (e.g., prowler, vandal)

Call 911 for fire, hazmat, and medical emergencies. Then, call Lee College Campus Security for assistance.

When to call 911 for medical, fire and smoke, and hazmat emergencies:

  • If someone is injured or ill
  • If you see fire or smell smoke
  • A vehicle collision, especially if someone is injured

Call quickly! Do not assume someone else has made the call. Provide the 911 dispatcher and/or Lee College Campus Security with accurate, detailed information about the problem and follow instructions.

Report non-life-threatening emergencies or unsafe conditions to the Lee College Security Department.

Lee College is committed to maintaining a safe campus environment. Employees and students should report conditions that pose a serious injury or property damage risk. Call the Security

Department at 281.425.6888 (extension 6888), or visit the Security Office at South Whiting Street, building #10.