PAC Rental Rates

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Fees: For-Profit

FACILITY 6 Hours 3 Hours 1 Hour
Entire Facility $2,000 $1,200 $400
Main Performance Hall for Performance $1,500 $900 $300
Main Performance Hall for Rehearsal $750 $450 $150
Main Lobby $300 $180 $60
Green Room $100 $60 $20
Classroom $80 $48 $16
Choir Hall $250 $150 $50
Orchestra Hall $300 $180 $60
Black Box for Performance $750 $450 $150
Black Box for Rehearsal $450 $270 $90
Art Gallery $100 $60 $20

Fees: Non-Profit

FACILITY 6 Hours 3 Hours 1 Hour
Entire Facility $1,100 $660 $220
Main Performance Hall for Performance $750 $450 $150
Main Performance Hall for Rehearsal $400 $240 $80
Main Lobby $180 $108 $36
Green Room $30 $18 $6
Classroom $48 $29 $10
Choir Hall $150 $90 $30
Orchestra Hall $180 $108 $36
Black Box for Performance $450 $270 $90
Black Box for Rehearsal $270 $162 $54
Art Gallery $60 $36 $12

All rentals require a certificate of insurance.

Technical staff: $25 per person per hour. Required minimum of 2 per hour in Main Performance Hall during performance. Required minimum of 1 in Black Box during performance.

Security: $25 per hour; minimum of 1 for every 200 people.

Custodial: $20 per hour; minimum of 1 for every 150 people.

PAC Facility Requests