- Placing items on reserve
- Each semester, faculty may place items on reserve by filling out the Reserve Request form
- It may take up to 5 working days to process course reserve requests.
- Reserve period
- Reserve periods are normally a single semester.
- If you plan to use the same items over multiple semesters, you will need to fill out the request form each semester.
- Electronic Reserves:
- Students have 24/7 access to these items, accessed through the library catalog.
- Physical Reserves:
- Copies of books or videos kept at the Library Circulation Desk with limited checkout periods defined by the course instructor.
- Loan Periods:
- Reserve items have shorter loans periods and higher overdue fines than most library materials. Faculty members help us determine loan periods for individual reserve items. The options are:
- Books: 7 day, 3 day, 1 day, In-house use only (3 hours)
- VHS/CD/DVD: 7 day, 3 day, 1 day, In-house use only (3 hours)
- Items that may be placed on reserve:
- Books or videos that are part of the library collection*
- Periodical articles and excerpts from books.
- Faculty member’s personally owned materials**
- Lecture notes
- Links to web resources.
- Items that may not be placed on reserve:
- Consumable materials such as workbooks, exercise books, standardized practice test books.
- Interlibrary loan items or materials borrowed from other libraries.
- The library will not place articles from electronic databases on physical reserve, though these can be linked to via the electronic reserve system.
*Library-owned reference books and periodicals will not be placed on reserve
**Personally owned materials will be accepted for reserve status with the understanding that items are placed at owner’s risk and that items to be placed on reserve must be processed.