CAAC Minutes: 2015-09-22

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CAAC Meeting

September 22, 2015 – 2:30 p.m.


Members Present: Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Doylean Sprauve, Keith Coleman, Vicky Hart, Andy Miller, Karen Guthmiller, Stewart Edwards, Cathy Kemper-Pelle, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Bo Aguilar, Layton Childress, Joe Ganakos, Sharon Lockett, Rod Hellyer

Members Absent: Tia Hall, Tex Woodall, Rosemary Coffman, Daria Willis

Meeting was called to order at 2:31 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. Minutes were approved as written.
  2. Old Business
    1. Steven Saunders
      1. Change Degree/Certificate Plan: Computer Maintenance Technology (732, 733, 734)
      2. Dean Layton Childress presented for Steven Saunders, these curriculum maintenance requests will be withdrawn.
  3. New Business
    1. Harold Martin
      1. New Course Proposal for DRAM 2389 (757)
      2. No supporting documentation submitted
      3. Replace Course for DRAM 2189 with DRAM 2389 (758)
      4. Discontinue Course DRAM 2189 (759)
      5. Dr. Mueller presented for Ken Martin (757, 758, & 759), there was some confusion on these requests. They were not presented previously, but were corrections to earlier withdrawn requests. These requests will need to be presented at next CAAC meeting. Karen Guthmiller made motion to table for now, Andy Miller seconded. Motion passed.
  4. Charlotte Mueller
    1. Change/Update Course Degree/Certificate Plan (761)
      1. Supporting Documentation Posted
    2. This request has been withdrawn.
  5. Supporting Materials for CAAC Proposals Discussion
    1. Efficiency issue discussed -system built for digital transfer of files and archive ability
    2. From now on, supporting documentation (syllabi, program changes) must be submitted electronically prior to the review date for CAAC to look at in that two week period, or requests will not be discussed
    3. Possibility of training Committee and faculty- training video, screen shots. We do have training document already that should be on CAAC website. Joe to talk to LeeAnn Allison, Chris Coats and Troy Oehler.
  6. Open Forum
    1. Drop Dead date for catalog changes: now with online system, February.
    2. This Friday is deadline for chairs to submit changes for online catalog. We go live next week. Catalog is for this academic year.
    3. Time for CAAC meeting – is 2:30 still a good time? Yes. Will members be amenable to moving to Tucker Hall if there is a conflict with SGA meeting? Yes.
    4. Joe Ganakos to distribute Curriculum Maintenance Request process document to all faculty.

Meeting Adjourned: 2:45 p.m.

Submitted: Jodi Rodriguez, Interim CAAC Secretary

Approved by: Joe Ganakos, Chair

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.

CAAC Committee Members

  • Huntsville Center: Paul Allen
  • Allied Health: Howard Bushart
  • Nursing: Doylean Sprauve
  • Business Technology: Angela Noack
  • Computer Technology: Vicky Hart
  • English/Humanities: Andy Miller
  • Process Technology:
  • Kinesiology, Athletics, Wellness: Karen Guthmiller
  • Math, Engineering, Science: Tia Hall
  • Social & Behavioral Sciences: Stewart Edwards
  • Technical Studies: Tex Woodall
  • SACS Representative: Cathy Kemper
  • Visual & Performing Arts: Charlotte Mueller
  • Library: Paul Arrigo – Vice Chair
  • Counseling: Bo Aquillar
  • Assoc. Dean, Student Affairs: Rosemary Coffman
  • Dean, Academic Studies: Daria Willis
  • Dean, Applied Sciences: Layton Childress
  • Speech, Languages and Teacher Education: Joe Ganakos – Chair
  • Developmental Education: Sharon Lockett
  • Industrial Studies: Rod Hellyer