CAAC Minutes: 2012-11-12

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Members Present: Bo Aguilar, Paul Arrigo, Dana Byal, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Tom O’Kuma for Tia Hall, Vicky Hart, David Jaroszewski, Charlotte Mueller, Angela Noack, Richard Tunstall for Jim Richardson, Doylean Sprauve, Donnetta Suchon, Joyce Jacobs for Ingrid Wallace.

Members Absent: Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Rosemary Coffman, Rod Hellyer, Jeff Thies.

Meeting was called to order at 2 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from Oct. 16, 2012 were approved as written.
  2. Old Business: Michael Gos presented the revision to the CAAC bylaws for a second vote. The division secretary of the chair’s division shall be the secretary of CAAC and the secretary of the vice-chair’s division shall be back-up secretary. Revision approved by CAAC members.
  3. New Business
  • Dr. David Jaroszewski presented for Rod Hellyer. Dr. David Jaroszewski proposed adding a new course NDTE 1405 in the fall 2013 semester. A motion to accept was made by Tom O’Kuma and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
  • Dr. David Jaroszewski proposed changing contact hours on WLDG 1312 from 48 to 64 (lec. 2 hrs. and lab 2 hrs.). A motion to accept was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Dana Byal. Motion carried.
  • Karen Guthmiller proposed discontinuing the Fitness Degree. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
  • Angela Noack proposed dropping co-requisites from CSME 1254, CSME 1255, CSME 2410, CSME 2401, and CSME 2441. A motion to accept was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried.
  • Angela Noack proposed the following new courses for the new Logistics and Supply Chain Management degree and certificate. LMGT 1319, LMGT 1323, LMGT 1325, LMGT 2330, BMGT 1313, LMGT 1340, and LMGT 2388. A motion to accept was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
  • Dr. David Jaroszewski presented for Santiago Guardiola. Dr. David Jaroszewski proposed changing the prerequisite on CPMT 1411, CPMT 1449 and ITSC 1316 from Read 300 to Read 301. A motion to accept was made by Tom O’Kuma and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs proposed adding new courses ENRD 401 and ENRD 402 to begin in fall 2013. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs proposed deleting the following courses from the catalog: READ 301, READ 302, ENGL 301 and ENGL 302. A motion to accept was made by Tom O’Kuma and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
  • Joyce Jacobs proposed changing the course description for READ 300. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Dana Byal. Motion carried.
  • Dana Byal proposed adding DFTG 2417 (Descriptive Geometry) or TECM 1349 (Technical Math) to the following certificates and degrees. AAS in Process Pipe Design, AAS in Drafting Technology, Certificate of Completion in Architectural Construction and Building Technology, Certificate of Completion in Computer-Aided Drafting and Design – Advanced Technology, Certificate of Completion in Computer-Aided Drafting and Design. A motion to accept was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
  • Dr. David Jaroszewski presented for Howard Bushart. Dr. David Jaroszewski proposed the following new courses for the AAS in Physical Therapist Assistant. PTHA 1513, PTHA 1201, PTHA 1405, PTHA 1431, PTHA 2201, PTHA 1321, PTHA 1325, PTHA 2205, PTHA 2509, PTHA 2531, PTHA 2435, PTHA 1466, PTHA 2239, PTHA 2266, and PTHA 2267. A motion to accept was made by Tom O’Kuma and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
  • Dr. David Jaroszewski proposed a new AAS degree in Fire Science Program. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Tom O’Kuma. Motion carried.
  1. Open Forum:

Donnetta Suchon presented a plan for identifying the last date of student attendance for financial aid reasons. She asked CAAC’s opinion whether to implement the plan in fall 2012 or spring 2013. Karen Guthmiller made a motion to begin in fall 2012. Joyce Jacobs seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Keith, Secretary

Approved by:
Michael Gos, CAAC Chair