Tobacco Cessation Information

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Lee College is proud to be a tobacco-free campus.

Tobacco (nicotine) products include cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, and electronic cigarettes smoking, vaping, and the use of other tobacco products are banned from all areas of campus, including personal and school-owned vehicles. In addition, Lee College prohibits the sale, sponsorship, advertising, or promotional activities of tobacco on campus property. Students, faculty members, staff members, contractors, and visitors violating the policy are subject to disciplinary measures. Employees who violate the policy will be referred to their supervisors; students will be referred to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs; and contract workers and/or visitors will be referred to campus security.


  • American Cancer Society offers helpful information, tips to quit tobaccoonline and at 800.227.2345
  • American Lung Association offers a variety of free, confidential programs
  • BecomeAnEx: The Ex plan teaches how to live life without cigarettes in three steps. It is based on scientific research and practical advice from ex-smokers.
  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a variety of programs and resources to get free, confidential information about quitting tobacco. Call 800.QUIT.NOW.
  • OmniPoint Health provides one-on-one counselor consult and ongoing coaching, an individualized quit plan, and access. Programs are offered at Bayside Clinic (409.267.4126) and West Chambers Medical (281.576.0670).
  • Harris County Public Health’s tobacco cessation program is for tobacco users in Harris County who can participate (once screened) in an intervention program.
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI) offers a variety of free, confidential programs
    • NCI’s Smoking Quitline, 877.44U.QUIT (877.448.7848)
    • SmokeFree offers different tools and tips to help quit smoking and information on how to use them for many different audience (e.g. women, teens, Spanish-speakers). Sign up on line or text QUIT to
  • This is Quitting, a youth/young-adult e-cigarette quit program that is accessed texting "DITCHJUUL" to 88709. Parents and other adults looking to help young people quit should text "QUIT" to 202.899.7550.
  • Quitxt is a free bilingual texting service that turns a smart phone into a personal coach to help quit smoking. Join in English: Text “iquit” to 844.332.2058. Or join in Spanish: Text “lodejo” to 844.332.2058
  • YesQuit is a program that offers help to become an expert in living tobacco-free. Confidential phone counseling services and resources such as nicotine patches, gums, or lozenges are free to those who qualify. Available by phone or online. Call the toll-free Quitline: 877.YES.QUIT (877.937.7848) or text QUIT to 47848.
  • YouCanQuit2 is an educational campaign for the U.S. military to help U.S. service members quit tobacco. The website offers resources for service members, as well as their family and friends. There is also a live chat to talk to a tobacco cessation coach.