Foster Care Alumni Support

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Lee College is honored to support students who were in foster care (conservatorship within the Department of Family and Protective Services) in Texas.  This web page can help you transition to college and beyond.

If you were in foster care within the state of Texas, you could be eligible for a tuition waiver and other financial aid support. To learn if you are eligible, contact the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). Eligible students do not have to pay for tuition and fees, including tuition and fees for dual credit courses.  Eligible students are also eligible for federal financial aid that can help pay for living expenses while you are taking college courses.

To Obtain the Tuition Waiver:

  1. Complete the application process for Lee College (
  2. Request a tuition exemption approval letter (Form 1810) from the Texas DFPS staff who issues this form to the student by mail or email, confirming the student’s program eligibility at Lee College.
  3. Submit Form 1810 to the Lee College Financial Aid Office ( who verifies enrollment eligibility.
  4. Lee College will verify each year that the student remains eligible. There is no need to reapply each year.

To Apply for Federal Financial Aid:

Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Financial Aid.) The Educational Opportunity Center ( provides one-on-one assistance to help students complete the FAFSA.

The Foster Care Liaison

The Foster Care Liaison serves a critical role in bridging the gap between the students who want to pursue higher education and those who can provide support to help students complete their degree.  The appointed Liaison for Lee College is Dr. Rosemary Coffman (  She can help you with information on support services and resources available to you on campus and within the community.  She can also be a resource to help with admissions, academic support, basic needs support and financial aid.

Additional Resources

Helpful Websites

Campus Resources