(0:01 - 0:29) The wall says it's 6.01, so we're going to call this meeting to order. We do have a quorum. All regents and the president are present. We will begin with the invocation and pledge to the flags by Regent Mark Hall. Join me in prayer. Dear God, we thank you for all that you've blessed us, for the health that we have, the wisdom that you have given us in this institution. (0:29 - 0:48) You have blessed our community with, and blessed us to be a part of it. God, I pray that you'll give us wisdom as we talk about and discuss these important items of this institution. And I pray that our efforts will improve the lives of our students in ways that shouldn't have been possible. (0:52 - 1:27) Please join me in the pledge of the United States flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (1:27 - 1:56) Okay, first item on the agenda is a special report on Community College Day. You guys are in for a treat. You're going to get to hear from the students that went to Community College Day. (2:00 - 2:10) Thank you. We all had a great time. I got the privilege to accompany them, and I got the privilege to meet some of the board members and get to know them a little better. (2:10 - 2:25) But they're going to tell you the real story. Each of them is going to introduce themselves, tell you what their major is, their transfer institution if they already know, and then what their experiences were for the day. I'm going to turn it over to Armando. (2:25 - 3:02) Hello, my name is Armando Cardenas, and I'm a business major, and I plan on transferring to either U of H or A&M, Mays School of Business, in the spring of next year. And honestly, the trip was more than I could ever hope for. To put a face to the names behind the people supporting us at the college, to see leaders of giant size support the future of this state and put their faith in us, it was amazing. (3:02 - 3:19) I'm going to go ahead and pass it on. Thank you. My name is Lady Madrid. I'm a pre-engineering student here. I'm also a veteran and a single parent. I have plans to transfer to the University of Houston main campus next spring. (3:20 - 4:02) Something that I enjoyed from college day was just interacting with the legislators and realizing how interested they actually were to see the impacts that the bill that they had had for our college and other colleges as well. And it was also interesting to see the questions that they asked, which made them seem like they wanted to provide even more help. Hello, my name is Layla Leah. I'm a fine arts major, and I intend to transfer to the University of Houston main campus. And it was honestly wonderful seeing the amount of support for community colleges in general from our reps and from other students alike. It was a big crowd, and it was just wonderful. (4:02 - 4:22) And as a low-income student, it was really important to me that I was able to go there and advocate for the funding of Lee College, and I just want to thank you for that opportunity. My name is Victoria Jackson. I am a business student, and I plan on transferring to the University of Houston Clear Lake. (4:23 - 4:53) One of my main takeaways from community college day was that even if it's not school-related, that there were people waiting to hear about the issues we had. I was told by multiple legislators to reach out about anything that I felt was important, and it was great to know that there were people there who were ready to listen. And I would like to thank the board and Lee College for giving me the opportunity to go to Austin and advocate on behalf of community college students. (4:57 - 5:43) My name is Daniel Rodriguez. I am majoring in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. I have no plans to transfer. This is my final semester here. But I still wanted to thank the board for giving me the opportunity to go to community college day, because while I was there and while I got to speak with the representatives and the senators that we did, I got to not only learn more about how the funding has helped students like myself in the trades or people who came for their first semester, how that funding has helped the students, but they also put a face to the people who are fighting to make it to where we can go to college without as many struggles, and that we're encouraging the college to not just improve the college but the students, the new funding model allowing them to push for success as opposed to just seats. So thank you for that. (5:50 - 6:23) So as the current SGA president for Lee College, these are the students that I represent, and they're only a fraction of the power that Lee College hosts and houses. This is the future for Texas. This is the future for the United States. I can't say anything else other than how proud I am. These are my good friends. These are my comrades. These are the people that I hope to see in the next 50 plus years of my life, hopefully. And I'd like to extend a special thank you to Dr. V with these flowers. Thank you guys so much for everything. (7:09 - 8:34) No doubt. OK, next up, we have student spotlight. Madison Hall, debate team captain. (8:46 - 8:57) Hello, everyone. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for giving us the opportunity to highlight one of the many activities that we have here on campus. I want to give Madison Hall a big thank you. (8:57 - 9:18) I know that she's been looking very forward to it and showcasing how much dedication they put in throughout the entirety of the semester and even working through summer. As an alum myself, I've gotten the opportunity many times to share my story that started a decade ago. And I hope that this is a beginning of a wonderful story that Madison is going to share of how much the activity has changed her life. (9:23 - 9:40) Hello, everyone. As you have already heard, my name is Madison Hall and I am the captain of the college debate team today. I am here to recognize the benefits that International Public Debate Association has given me, but not only that, the college team. (9:40 - 9:58) And I want to make it clear that I am thanking the governing board specifically for being able to support the activity that I do. Now, when I first joined the debate team, I was 14 years old. And during this time, I was very emotionally immature. (9:59 - 10:21) I was somewhat of a stubborn student as well as I lacked many communication skills. So as I grew older, not only within debate, I grew as a person. And throughout every win or loss, I earned something not only educationally, but I earned something within myself. (10:22 - 10:37) I learned that you have to roll with the punches. You have to win gracefully, but also lose gracefully. And, you know, debate itself has helped me with my internal feeling and who I am as a person. (10:37 - 10:59) It's also educated me on how to express the self that I am in an educational manner. And looking back on my younger self, I really had never believed that I would be able to travel to many colleges and experience seeing people from different backgrounds and different history. It all comes together to love one activity such as debate. (11:00 - 11:29) Now, at that time, I had really struggled to believe that I would ever be able to articulate myself when it came to anything about politics or international issues. But throughout the support of not only my coaches and my teammates and the college itself, it also helped me remember that I can do anything I put my mind to. Debate has given me the opportunity to reach heights that I had never thought I could see. (11:30 - 11:52) It not only helped me assure my future, but it also helped me align myself with the goals that I want to pursue as far as being a clinical psychologist. As I am still young and still growing, I just want to say that I admire the people that I have been surrounded with. And I wouldn't be surrounded around those people had it not been for all of you on the governing board. (11:53 - 12:21) All that being said, I just want to be able to thank Lee College, thank my coaches, thank my teammates. And while I am a part of many communities as Impact Early College as well as Lee College, debate itself has been the most enduring activity that I have ever experienced within my life. And as I said before, I do have a lot of other things that I need to attend to, such as working in the learning hub. (12:21 - 14:01) So after this speech, if you'll allow me, I'll go ahead and exit to attend to my job. But all that being said, I want to thank again every single person within this room and thank you all so much. Okay, next we have disposition of minutes, building committee meeting, January 15th, 2025. (14:01 - 14:09) Special joint meeting with the Baytown City Council, January 16th. Board meeting, January 16th. Policy committee meeting, January 28th. (14:10 - 14:30) Do I have a motion? So moved. All right, I've got a motion by Regent Morofatno and a second by Gerald. Any discussion or amendments to the minutes? Hearing none, all in favor of approving the minutes say aye. (14:30 - 14:56) Aye. Any opposed? Next up, report of the chairman. So shortly after we were in Austin, several of us turned right around about a week later and went to Washington, D.C. for the legislative summit there on the federal level. (14:56 - 15:19) That would have been Mark Hall, Mark Himsel, Regent Guillory, Regent Morofatno, and I believe that was four of us, and President Villanueva. It was a very good and productive three days up there. We met with Representative Babin. (15:19 - 15:30) He always is very giving of his time. And we met with Senator Cornyn. He presented to the entire Texas delegation. (15:30 - 16:02) And then on Wednesday, Regent Morofatno and some folks from the state delegation met with representatives from the Senate. We were up there lobbying for the Second Chance Pell and continuing funding of that and some other items that the national organization, ACCP, has identified as critical items for us this year. Always a productive time up there. (16:02 - 16:10) So that's all I have. So, building committee. Mr. Chair, the building committee met Thursday, February 13th, 2025. (16:11 - 16:30) The committee and other board members toured three campus buildings, 909 Decker, Bonner Hall, and Moeller Hall. The tour was designed to have a firsthand view of the facilities with issues or concerns highlighted by our facilities team. Hopefully this will provide insight into the condition of the facilities and put facility needs in context with the upcoming assessment. (16:31 - 16:42) The building committee also met on Wednesday, February 19th, 2025. We reviewed two items that will be presented to the board this evening for approval. The committee recommends approval of these two items. (16:43 - 16:59) First is furniture for Bonner Hall Math Lab, totaling $109,698. This is funded from the $1.6 million furniture set aside from fiscal year 24. Second item will be architect and engineering fees for the cosmetology relocation renovation project. (16:59 - 17:14) The A&E fees of $292,530 were not included in last month's agenda for the construction project. This is funded from lost revenue funds. We had discussion on the facilities master plan process, which has kicked off. (17:14 - 17:31) We included the full board. We plan to include the full board when philosophical or major decision points are reached throughout the process. We discussed feedback from our building tour of 909 Decker, Bonner, and Moeller Halls, and we received an update on current projects around campus. (17:31 - 17:47) We're continuing to schedule tours of campus buildings for the building committee members, and we'll open the invitation to everyone who wishes to attend, and we'll communicate the schedule and extend an invitation to all board members who would like to participate. That's all I have. Any questions for me? Thank you very much. (17:48 - 17:55) Next, we have a policy committee report. Yes, sir. So we have met January 28th, and we've met again in February. (17:55 - 18:38) We have a couple of items that's going to be on the agenda for approval today, which we recommend, one of which is CAK Local, dealing with appropriations and revenue sources. Basically, it's a task recommendation to add requirements that apply to investment pool, and basically just expands the requirement of broker-dealers to include the investment pool. And then we have CDE Local, and it is in relation to accounting financial ethics, and that portion is just a revision to add text to align with the federal award disclosure, and it's just a section CAAB. (18:39 - 19:17) It's already in another area of our policy, and it's just aligning the text so that it speaks the same in both places. DHB Local is also employee standards of conduct, and this is in relation specifically to child abuse or neglect, and it's just a reporting, just making sure that we have a liaison that's going to be working and we need to include the name and the address so there's specific information that must be captured whenever it is reported in relation to child abuse or neglect. Policy is already there, just making some revisions to that. (19:18 - 20:00) And then FAA Local is equal education opportunity, and it speaks to pregnant and parenting students, and just making sure that we have someone that will work with the students to ensure that they have pre-registration or early registration, just giving them someone that will help them through the process so they can get to completion and make it available. The information that they can use in order to know what to do, who to contact is on our website already, and making that information available. And then there's also two policies that's going to be for us to approve tonight that's coming from administration. (20:01 - 20:47) It's DJ Local, and it's in relation to assignments, workload, and schedules, and basically talking about the teaching load, 35 hours, 28 of those hours have to be done on the campus, and then the flexibility to have seven hours where it would be virtual. And then there's also an adjoining administrative portion that outlines exactly what has to be done and all the provisions that allows them to have that luxury, and if they don't meet that, then they could lose the right to do it. And then the last one is EJA, which is a brand-new policy, and it pretty much speaks to how we decide which events to host or support on our campus. (20:47 - 21:10) And they have specific instructions. You know, if they're already governed by the state, it's already a state holiday, things like that, but then putting in criteria and giving the president the opportunity to have a board or a team that will help her. She can designate someone that we can decide which one of those holidays, special events, and things that will be celebrated on the campus. (21:11 - 21:17) And that's all we have. Audit and investment. Yes, we met. (21:18 - 21:34) We went over the quarterly investment report. We went through a completed audit, and we'll be getting with the committee to schedule another meeting because we have another couple of completed audits to go through. Next up, we have a report of the president. (21:43 - 22:03) Okay. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to say at the outset, this is in the middle of the legislative session right now, and so a lot of what I'm going to say involves legislation, and there's a lot of names, so I'm just going to read a bunch of this, but it's all very important. (22:03 - 23:02) So I want to begin by just sharing a bit more on Community College Day at the Capitol. The event was supported by the leadership of our CAT chair, Regent Morfantino, along with Dr. Brenda Kayes, the chair of the TAC executive committee, Ray Martinez, the CEO of TAC, and Representative Gary VanDever, who was instrumental in leading our efforts to successfully pass House Bill 8. Regent Morfantino greeted over 800 students on the Capitol steps, and our Lee College team met with several of our legislators, including Representative Janice Holt, Representative Briscoe Cain, Representative Terry Leo Wilson, Senator Mays Middleton, and the director of the Senate Higher Education Committee, Abby Johnston, from Senator Creighton's office. I'd also like to recognize all the team members who made our Community College Day at the Capitol extremely successful. (23:02 - 23:26) I'm grateful, obviously, to the students who have already presented to the board and who were absolutely the centerpiece of our meetings with legislators. Our legislators, I think they spoke to this, but I will just say always love to hear from our students, and they were such wonderful representatives of the college. I'd also like to thank staff members who ensured that the visit went off without a hitch. (23:26 - 23:38) If there was anything that happened, I could not tell. It was just perfect. So Joe Greathouse, Brian Waddle, Melissa Valencia, and Chris Dowdy, thank you so very much for your contributions. (23:39 - 24:34) I would also like to express my appreciation to the regents who attended, and I think, Chairman, you already covered all of them, so those are a few names I don't have to say over because names are going to keep repeating in this. I'm excited to recognize that Regent Susan Morfantino will be representing all 50 community colleges this Thursday to meet with Governor Abbott's chief of staff to discuss the governor's executive order regarding a freeze on tuition for institutions of higher education. This is an important topic, and all 50 community colleges will be very well represented by her, Dr. Brenda Kayes, the chair of the TAC Executive Committee, along with Ray Martinez, the president and CEO of the Texas Association of Community Colleges, but also including Jacob Cunningham, who is the senior director of government relations within TAC. (24:34 - 24:50) So I look forward next month to hear from Regent Morfantino on the outcomes of that meeting. Moving on. Wait, you covered most of this stuff for me. (24:51 - 25:26) I really appreciate that, Mr. Chairman. I want to recognize our incredible leader, Donna Zuniga, at the Huntsville Center, who was recently appointed to the Texas Ability to Benefit Committee. The Ability to Benefit Committee is responsible, and think about this, this is huge, for evaluating whether a student who lacks a high school diploma or equivalent can still demonstrate the necessary skills and potential to succeed in college, thus allowing them to qualify for financial aid under the Ability to Benefit provision. (25:27 - 25:35) Yes, it's a wonderful, wonderful thing. It's huge. And for Donna to be included on that speaks to her leadership and her strengths. (25:36 - 25:59) This is a high-impact committee that affects thousands and thousands of students across the state of Texas, and I cannot think of a greater leader to serve in this capacity. So thank you very much, Donna, for your leadership. Finally, I'm delighted to announce that Dr. Rosemary Kauffman was appointed board vice president for the Bridge Over Troubled Waters organization. (25:59 - 26:22) The organization, as you may know, provides support, safety, and prevention from domestic and sexual violence. Dr. Kauffman, you're not in here tonight, are you? Sometimes she comes, but okay, you'll pass it along to her, right? Congratulations to her on this important appointment. She is also an outstanding leader, and we know that she will represent Lee College well in this role. (26:23 - 26:34) That concludes my report. Next up, we have a report of Lee College resignations and or retirement. I have one to report, Mr. Chairman. (26:34 - 27:02) That is Anthony Perez, director of dual credit programs. Next up, we have our financial report presented by our CFO, Annette Perkins. So tonight we'll be looking at the financial results year to date through January 31st. (27:03 - 27:26) It's our fifth month. We're about 42%. Cash remains very strong, and as you can see, we're starting to get our tax revenue in, and so we'll be investing that for a short term so we can put that money to work for us a little bit. (27:31 - 27:58) Looking at our revenue right now for tuition and fees, we're at about 86, which is pretty close to where we want to be. Usually I want to be somewhere around 86, 87, because the summer typically represents about 13% of our overall tuition and fee revenue, so we're looking pretty good there. State appropriations. (27:58 - 28:11) We'll be getting another payment in February, and that would be about a little over $5 million. It's 25% of our total allocation. Our taxes. (28:12 - 28:40) Right now we're projecting that we will be behind what we had budgeted, which is somewhat expected because you may recall that we lowered the rate after the budget was adopted, and so that won't be a surprise. Our revenue in lieu of tax, that's going to be short as well, probably about a half million. Other revenue, we're doing fine on that. (28:40 - 29:00) There was an unusual adjustment that was made, which caused miscellaneous to be a negative amount, but overall we'll be just fine. Restricted funds. Those funds, again, will be pulled down once they're available, and so no concerns there. (29:02 - 29:31) Looking at budget versus year-to-date projections, you can see that we're projecting tuition and fees being pretty close to what we budgeted, and then district taxes, as I said before, will be a little behind. Projected net revenue. Right now we're projecting an operating surplus of about $271,000. (29:33 - 29:55) Looking at expenses, our expenses are following our budget very closely. The breakdown between salaries, operating, and debt is right on target with what we had budgeted. Looking at the monthly budget versus actual, you can see our salary and benefits are a little bit behind, operating costs pretty close to even. (29:57 - 30:19) Looking year-to-date, kind of the same story. Salary and benefits a little bit behind, operating pretty close, debt service pretty close. And so as a percentage, right now we're estimating salary and benefits at 98%, operating costs at 97%. (30:20 - 30:32) And that is it, unless you have any questions for me. I just have a question. I tried to find it again, but I can't see that big spreadsheet. (30:33 - 31:04) So obviously you're aware of the reduced income that we budgeted for property taxes, and I thought I found it, but could you tell me where you made the adjustment for that couple million dollars in our overall budget expenses? Because obviously we're forecasting to come in under on expenses. Right. So of course we have almost a million dollars in salary and benefits. (31:04 - 31:34) We have close to a million dollars in revenue or an amount that we set aside to help fund the FAST program, and that one has been coming in under that million dollar mark. And so those two things alone will take care of the shortfall at this point. And if all else fails, we have Dr. Rhee's contingency as well. (31:35 - 31:44) It is never allowed to be used. That's right, because I have to save it in case we have to use it to cover this shortfall. No, I knew you made the adjustment. (31:45 - 31:53) And I know there's probably a lot of little areas that tweak in there as well. I just didn't know if there were some major ones, and you explained those. Thank you. (31:53 - 32:03) Thank you. Okay, next up is public comment. Mr. Chairman, we have Karen Guthmiller. (32:10 - 32:38) Good evening, Regents and Dr. Villanueva. I'd like to say on behalf of the Lee Faculty Assembly, we thank the Board of Regents for paying all full-time, part-time, and student employees for their regular scheduled hours that were affected by the school closure due to winter storm Enzo. These people are essential to the work we do at Lee College, and we appreciate your consideration. (32:39 - 32:58) Thank you. Mr. Chairman, we also have Joe Giannakos. Good evening, Dr. Villanueva and members of the Board. (32:59 - 33:18) In one of the many hats I wear tonight, I am representing the Lee College Faculty Assembly as their Professional Development Chair. And we have hopefully just a token of our appreciation for all the work that you folks are doing. The Lee College Faculty Assembly appreciates the Board's consideration of the proposed faculty workload policy that will be presented this evening. (33:19 - 33:43) Together with the college's administration, faculty worked throughout the fall semester to draft a policy that best meets the needs of our traditional and our nontraditional students. Pre-pandemic, in 2018-2019, we had 7,054 enrollments in online courses. Last academic year, in 23-24, we had 15,563 enrollments in online courses. (33:44 - 34:02) So obviously we're seeing a doubling in a very short period. The proposed policy offers a more functional blend of on-campus and online engagement for faculty to serve students who no longer adhere to traditional attendance patterns on our physical campus. Furthermore, this proposal values the time that faculty invest in our virtual campus. (34:02 - 34:17) This supports our efforts to meet students where they are. Our collaboration with the college's administration has been a healthy and appropriate example of shared governance. The Lee College Faculty Assembly offers our deepest gratitude to the Lee College Board of Regents for considering this proposal this evening. (34:17 - 34:36) Thank you. Next up, we have Consent Agenda Consideration of New Hires. The administration recommends that the Board approve the new hires as presented below. (34:37 - 34:48) The list is manageable, so I will read it. Jacob Atkin, Vice President, Finance, Chief Financial Officer. Erin Sampson, Assistant Director, Advising and Transfer Programs. (34:49 - 34:57) Ershon Jackson, Advisor, Dual Credit. And Sherrilyn Reynolds, Faculty Accounting. Do I have a motion on this item? Second. (34:57 - 35:08) I have a motion by Regent Gillery. I have a second by Regent Moropantno. Any discussion on this item? Hearing none, all in favor say aye. (35:08 - 35:56) Aye. Any opposed? Consideration of Resolution of Support for Continued Investment in the Dynamic Community College Funding Model. The administration recommends that the Board participate with community colleges throughout Texas in approving the resolution that officially declares support for recommendations issued to the 89th Texas Legislature. (35:56 - 36:21) Do I have a motion on this item? I move. I have a motion by Regent Moropantno and a second by Regent Warford. Any discussion on this item? I just want to say that I'm extremely happy that we join the other 49 community colleges in passing resolutions during the month of January, February, and March in support of the funding that is up for the 89th legislature. (36:22 - 36:28) Thank you. If there's no further discussion, all in favor say aye. Aye. (36:28 - 36:51) Any opposed? Next item, Consideration of Tuition Rates for Cross-Credit Programs. The administration recommends that the Board approve the tuition rates for cross-credit programs as presented below. I will not read the list. (36:51 - 37:05) I move. I have a motion by Regent Santana and a second by Regent Geralds. Any discussion on this item? Hearing none, all in favor say aye. (37:05 - 37:39) Aye. Any opposed? Next item, Consideration of an MOU with Chambers County Commissioners Court for Educational Programs that Serve Chambers County Employees. The administration recommends that the Board authorize the President or her designee to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for educational programs that serve Chambers County employees. (37:39 - 37:46) Do I have a motion on this item? I move. I've got a motion. I've got a motion by Regent Guillory. (37:46 - 38:08) I've got a second by, was it Regent Warford? Okay, by Regent Geralds. Any discussion on this item? Just clarifying, the tuition rate is based on their providing the, all the vehicles, you know, it states it's a 50% discount of the normal tuition rates. They're providing all the vehicles and all that stuff. (38:09 - 38:12) Yeah, that's correct. We're providing the instructors. Yes. (38:12 - 38:19) Great, thanks. All in favor of this item say aye. Aye. (38:19 - 38:50) Any opposed? Okay. Next item, Consideration of Approval of Furniture Marketing Group Furniture Updates. The administration recommends that the Board authorize the President or her designee to negotiate final terms and approve Furniture Marketing Group for Furniture Updates at Bonner Hall Math Lab for the sum of $109,698.15. Do I have a motion? I move. (38:51 - 39:02) I've got a motion by Regent Hall and a second by Regent Warford. Any discussion on this item? Hearing none, all in favor say aye. Aye. (39:02 - 39:34) Any opposed? Next item, Consideration of Approval of Architect Fees for the Cosmetology Relocation Renovation Project. The administration recommends that the Board authorize the President or her designee to negotiate final terms and approve Texas Arcadis, Inc. Architect and Engineering Fees for the sum of $292,530 for the Cosmetology Relocation Renovation Project. (39:34 - 39:41) Do I have a motion on this item? I move. Second. I have a motion by Regent Santana and a second by Regent Warford. (39:41 - 40:07) Any discussion on this item? Hearing none, all in favor say aye. Aye. Any opposed? Next up, we have Consideration of Adoption of Board Policy Revisions for Local Policies. (40:07 - 40:26) The administration and Board Policy Committee recommend that the Board approve and adopt the revisions to local board policies as presented and recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards Update 48 and two other policies. Do I have a motion on this item? I second. I have a motion by Regent Guillory and a second by Regent Cotton. (40:27 - 40:55) Discussion on this item? Hearing none, all in favor say aye. Aye. Any opposed? Next item, Consideration of the President's Employment Contract. (40:56 - 41:06) The Board should review and approve the President's Contract as amended and discussed in the previous special board meeting on February 21st, 2025. Do I have a motion on this item? I move. Second. (41:07 - 41:18) I have a motion by Regent Santana and a second by Regent Cotton. Do we have any discussion on this item? Hearing none, all in favor say aye. Aye. (41:18 - 41:35) Any opposed? A little while longer. Okay. That joke never gets old. (41:36 - 41:51) All right. Executive Session. The meeting of the Lee College Board of Regents on above listed date after proper posting and in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code for the specific purposes provided will recess from open meeting to closed meeting. (41:51 - 42:03) No action will be taken while the Board is recessed into Executive Session. Level 4 Grievance, Faculty Grievance Hearing. Consult with the Board Attorney regarding legal advice on any item on the agenda. (42:04 - 42:18) Discussion of Lee College President's Duties and Responsibilities. Closed meeting is adjourned and we are reconvened into open meeting. Action Item, Grievance. (42:18 - 42:31) Consideration of Level 4 Faculty Grievance. I move the Lee College Board of Regents uphold the Level 3 decision of the College President and grant in part and deny in part the remedies requested. All in favor of this motion say aye. (42:32 - 42:36) Aye. Any opposed? Okay. The motion is passed. (42:37 - 42:45) Next item, Matters of Concern for Future Agendas. Hearing none, this meeting is adjourned.