We have a quorum, and I call the meeting to order. First thing on the agenda is public comment. No one signed up to speak. Very good, new business consideration. I don't have the, is ... this. There's got to be more verbiage to it than just this. It's yeah. Regent Hall is trying to access. Okay. Consideration of compensation for college employees impacted by weather-related closures of the college. The administration recommends that the board approve the resolution authorizing compensation for full- and part-time hourly employees impacted by the closure of the college due to winter storm Enzo on January 21st, 2025, to January 23rd, 2025. Do I have a motion on this item? So moved. Second. Okay, I believe I heard Gina's voice first. So that was a, um, a motion by Regent Guillory, and I believe it was Regent Himsel to make the second. All right. Okay. Great. So, uh, discussion on this item? No? No questions on this item? Got here for nothing. Okay. Okay. Hearing no discussion on this item, all in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed? Okay. What ... did anybody oppose it? No, sir. Okay. Very good. Uh, motion carries and uh, ... Next, executive session. We do not have executive session. So, uh, matters of concern for future agenda? Hearing none, this meeting is adjourned. Thank you all very much. Thank you. Have a good afternoon.