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General info. How do I ...

Using the library. How do I...

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How do I get a library card?
Lee College students do not need library cards (although you can use your Lee ID card for printing). To borrow library materials, you simply key in your myLC user name to access your account.

How do I access the library's online catalog?
Go to the library home page and select the link to the Library Catalog to search for print and electronic books, government documents, and audiovisual items in our collection. No password is required to search our catalog, and it may be searched from anywhere that you have access to the Internet.

How late is the library open?
Normally, we are open until 9 p.m. Please see this section's home page for other hours.

How do I print in the Library?

  1. When you need to print and are on a library computer, print out as normal, then select the BW or Color Printer, then click OK. In the next box, it will ask you for a job name. Call your print job whatever you want, the proceed. The next box will let you know how much your print will cost. Close it.
  2. If you are printing from your own laptop or tablet, you will need to go to and upload your documents there.
  3. You will need to add money to your account, if you don't have any in there. You can add money in the Add Value Box (the gray box) in the back of the library near the Print Release Station. You will put in your Lee student number, then add money. You can also add money via credit card. See library staff on how to do that.
  4. When ready to get your printouts, go to the Print Release Station, the computer near the printers in the back of the library. Then enter your myLC username and password. It will show you your print jobs. If there is more than one, hold down the control key while clicking on each one. Then press Print.

What does it cost to print in the Library?
Black and white printing and copying: 25 cents. Color printing and copying: 50 cents

How do I access the Library's wifi?
Lee College's wireless network is available for use by all Lee staff, faculty, and currently enrolled students. Instructions for accessing wifi. Not affiliated with Lee? No problem. Bring your laptop to either Library service desk, and the person there can log it in for you.

How do I find a fax machine on campus for student use?
Go to the Campus Store. It has a student-accessible fax machine.

How do I find newspapers, magazines and journals?
The library subscribes to many magazines, journals, and newspapers. Most of them are available online, but we continue to subscribe to some in print as well.

  • Usually, current issues of print journals and magazines can be found in the Periodicals section, located at the back of the library.
  • Back issues of print journals and magazines may be found in the Bound Periodicals section, located along the side of library. Ask at either desk for assistance in locating them.
  • Newspapers are located on shelves along the aisle toward the Reference desk.

Magazines, newspapers and journals are for library use only and cannot be checked out. You can access Publication Finder for a complete list of the titles to which the library subscribes, both in print and electronically. This is your best resource if you are looking for a specific title.

How do I place a book on hold?
Find something in the catalog that you want, but cannot get right now?

  1. Contact the library using phone or chat
  2. Request the item(s) that you are interested in, and if it is available and resources allow, we will pull it and put it on the hold shelf at the front/circulation desk where it will be held until the end of the day.

How do I renew a book?
From the Library Catalog, click the Patron Account tab. Log in to your account (myLC user name is catalog user name) and password (default is last for digits of your phone number). From the top menu bar, select Items Out. Click in the checkbox to the left of the title(s) you wish to renew. Click the "Renew Selected Items" button.

How do I find materials on reserve?
Electronic Reserves are accessible 24/7. Search for your course number (include the space between the letters and numbers) or your instructor's last name.Physical Reserve materials (books, videos, etc.) are located at the Circulation Desk.

How many books can I check out at one time?
A maximum of seven books on one subject or author is imposed; with a maximum total number of 30 books any one Lee College student may check out or have checked out.

How do I cite sources?
Try EasyBib! The library's subscription provides many features unavailable through their free service. You need to create an account after logging in.

How do I use the Library's computers if I am not a student?
Bring your driver's license to either the Circulation or Reference Desk. We will get some information from you and log you on. Of course, students have priority.

How do I access the Library's databases from off campus?
Go to the Library's home page. From there, you can directly enter a search in OneSearch or select the Databases tab to choose a specific database. All you'll need if you're off campus is your myLC credentials to log in. Faculty & staff, use your computer account information to log in.

How do I contact the library for further assistance?
Getting in touch with us is easy!

How do I request an Interlibrary Loan?
If the library does not own the book or article you need, you may request it through interlibrary loan (ILL). Allow at least 7-10 days for receipt of the book. You will need to fill out an ILL Request Form.Usually, videos and other audiovisual materials are not available from other libraries through interlibrary loan. Learn more about Interlibrary Loan.

How do I search other library catalogs?
Search other library catalogs such as UHCL, San Jacinto College, and other surrounding area libraries.